Abbreviation | |
ACSP | Association of Corporate Service Providers (Isle of Man) |
AIM | Alternative Investment Market |
AML/CFT (and PF) | Anti-Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism (and Proliferation Financing) |
AML/CFT Handbook | Anti-Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism Handbook |
APSP | Association of Pension Scheme Providers (Isle of Man) |
Basel Committee | The Basel Committee on Banking Supervision |
BIS | Bank for International Settlements |
CAROL | Consolidation and Review of Legislation |
CDD | Customer Due Diligence |
CFT | Countering the Financing of Terrorism |
CGI | The Chartered Governance Institute |
CIS | Collective Investment Schemes |
Commission, the | Financial Supervision Commission (replaced by IOMFSA from 1/11/15) |
CoMin | Council of Ministers (Isle of Man) |
CSP | Corporate Service Provider |
CSPA | Corporate Service Providers Act |
DNFBPs | Designated Non-Financial Businesses and Professions |
EC | European Commission |
EIF | Experienced Investor Fund |
EIOPA | European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority |
EU | European Union |
EUSD | European Union Savings Directive |
FATCA | Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (US) |
FATF | Financial Action Task Force |
FCU | Financial Crime Unit (Isle of Man) |
FMA | Isle of Man Fund Management Association |
FPIBA | Financial Planners and Insurance Brokers Association (Isle of Man) |
FRC | Financial Reporting Council (UK) |
FSA 1988 | Financial Supervision Act 1988 |
FSB | Financial Stability Board |
FSC | Financial Supervision Commission (replaced by IOMFSA from 1/11/15) |
FSF | Financial Stability Forum |
FSOS | Financial Services Ombudsman Service (Isle of Man) |
GAAP | Generally Accepted Accounting Standards |
GIFCS (formerly OGBS) | Group of International Finance Centre Supervisors (formerly the Offshore Group of Banking Supervisors) |
GIICS (formerly OGIS) | Group of International Insurance Centre Supervisors (formerly the Offshore Group of Insurance Supervisors) |
GSC | Gambling Supervision Commission (Isle of Man) |
IBA | Investment Business Act 1991 to 1993 |
IAIS | International Association of Insurance Supervisors |
ICPs | Insurance Core Principles |
IIP | Investors in People |
IMF | International Monetary Fund |
IA2008 | Insurance Act 2008 |
IOMCA | Isle of Man Captive Association |
IOMFSA | Isle of Man Financial Services Authority |
IOMSCA | Isle of Man Society of Chartered Accountants |
IOPS | International Organisation of Pension Supervisors |
IOSCO | The International Organisation of Securities Commissions |
IPA | Insurance and Pensions Authority (replaced by IOMFSA from 1/11/15) |
Island | Isle of Man |
JAMLAG | Joint Anti-Money Laundering Advisory Group |
KYC | Know Your Customer |
LLC | Limited Liability Company (formed under the Isle of Man’s Limited Liability Companies Act 1996) |
LP | Limited Partnership (formed under the Isle of Man’s Partnership Act 1909) |
MAS | Manx Actuarial Society |
MIA | Manx Insurance Association |
MLRO | Money Laundering Reporting Officer |
MMOU | Multilateral Memorandum of Understanding |
MOU | Memorandum of Understanding |
MONEYVAL | Committee of Experts on the Evaluation of Anti-Money Laundering Measures and the Financing of Terrorism (EU) |
NAV | Net Asset Value |
NCCT | Non-cooperative Countries and Territories |
NRA | National Risk Assessment |
OECD | Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development |
OFC | Offshore Financial Centre |
OFT | Office of Fair Trading |
OGBS | Offshore Group of Banking Supervisors |
PIF | Professional Investor Fund |
QF | Qualifying Fund |
RPI | Retail Price Index |
RBSA | Retirement Benefits Schemes Act 2000 |
SF | Specialist Fund |
SI | Statutory Investment |
TSP | Trust Service Provider |
UK | United Kingdom |
UN | United Nations |
US | United States |