

ACSP Association of Corporate Service Providers (Isle of Man)
AIM Alternative Investment Market
AML/CFT (and PF) Anti-Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism (and Proliferation Financing)
AML/CFT Handbook Anti-Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism Handbook
APSP Association of Pension Scheme Providers (Isle of Man)
Basel Committee The Basel Committee on Banking Supervision
BIS Bank for International Settlements
CAROL Consolidation and Review of Legislation
CDD Customer Due Diligence
CFT Countering the Financing of Terrorism
CGI The Chartered Governance Institute
CIS Collective Investment Schemes
Commission, the Financial Supervision Commission (replaced by IOMFSA from 1/11/15)
CoMin Council of Ministers (Isle of Man)
CSP Corporate Service Provider
CSPA Corporate Service Providers Act
DNFBPs Designated Non-Financial Businesses and Professions
EC European Commission
EIF Experienced Investor Fund
EIOPA European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority
EU European Union
EUSD European Union Savings Directive
FATCA Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (US)
FATF Financial Action Task Force
FCU Financial Crime Unit (Isle of Man)
FMA Isle of Man Fund Management Association
FPIBA Financial Planners and Insurance Brokers Association (Isle of Man)
FRC Financial Reporting Council (UK)
FSA 1988 Financial Supervision Act 1988
FSB Financial Stability Board
FSC Financial Supervision Commission (replaced by IOMFSA from 1/11/15)
FSF Financial Stability Forum
FSOS Financial Services Ombudsman Service (Isle of Man)
GAAP Generally Accepted Accounting Standards
GIFCS (formerly OGBS) Group of International Finance Centre Supervisors (formerly the Offshore Group of Banking Supervisors)
GIICS (formerly OGIS) Group of International Insurance Centre Supervisors (formerly the Offshore Group of Insurance Supervisors)
GSC Gambling Supervision Commission (Isle of Man)
IBA Investment Business Act 1991 to 1993
IAIS International Association of Insurance Supervisors
ICPs Insurance Core Principles
IIP Investors in People
IMF International Monetary Fund
IA2008 Insurance Act 2008
IOMCA Isle of Man Captive Association
IOMFSA Isle of Man Financial Services Authority
IOMSCA Isle of Man Society of Chartered Accountants
IOPS International Organisation of Pension Supervisors
IOSCO The International Organisation of Securities Commissions
IPA Insurance and Pensions Authority (replaced by IOMFSA from 1/11/15)
Island Isle of Man
JAMLAG Joint Anti-Money Laundering Advisory Group
KYC Know Your Customer
LLC Limited Liability Company (formed under the Isle of Man’s Limited Liability Companies Act 1996)
LP Limited Partnership (formed under the Isle of Man’s Partnership Act 1909)
MAS Manx Actuarial Society
MIA Manx Insurance Association
MLRO Money Laundering Reporting Officer
MMOU Multilateral Memorandum of Understanding
MOU Memorandum of Understanding
MONEYVAL Committee of Experts on the Evaluation of Anti-Money Laundering Measures and the Financing of Terrorism (EU)
NAV Net Asset Value
NCCT Non-cooperative Countries and Territories
NRA National Risk Assessment
OECD Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
OFC Offshore Financial Centre
OFT Office of Fair Trading
OGBS Offshore Group of Banking Supervisors
PIF Professional Investor Fund
QF Qualifying Fund
RPI Retail Price Index
RBSA Retirement Benefits Schemes Act 2000
SF Specialist Fund
SI Statutory Investment
TSP Trust Service Provider
UK United Kingdom
UN United Nations
US United States