Members’ Interests

The following Members have interests which require publication under the Code of Conduct.


Peter Reid:


Positions Held


Lloyds Bank International Limited– Island Director & Head of Operations (date of appointment 2017 and date of cessation 2022), Executive Director (date of appointment 2010 and date of cessation 2022)

Black Horse Limited – Executive Director (date of appointment 2013 and date of cessation 2022)

Lloyds Bank Holdings (Jersey) Ltd – Executive Director (date of appointment 2010 and date of cessation 2022)

Lloyds Offshore Pension - Trustee Director, Employer Representative, Authorised Officer, Scheme Administrator & Tax Agent (date of appointment 2011 and date of cessation 2022)

Lloyds Bank No. 1 & No. 2 Schemes – Scheme Administrator (date of appointment 2011 and date of cessation 2022)


Investments Held


Lloyds Bank International Limited – ordinary shares


Brandon Horwitz:


Positions Held


Vitality Corporate Services Limited – Head of Proposition (date of appointment April 2016 and date of cessation November 2018)​