Consultation Response: Regulatory Fees 2018
The Isle of Man Financial Services Authority has today published a Consultation Response (CR18-01/T14) following its recent consultation on proposed changes to regulatory fees from 1 April 2018. The response document provides a summary of responses to the consultation and outlines changes made and next steps. Subject to Treasury concurrence and consideration by Tynwald, the following legislation will commence on 1 April 2018 —
- Collective Investment Schemes (Fees) Order 2018;
- Financial Services (Fees) Order 2018;
- Insurance (Fees) Regulations 2018; and
- Registered Schemes Administrators (Fees) Order 2018.
The consultation response is relevant to all persons that are licensed, authorised or registered under the Financial Services Act 2008, Insurance Act 2008, Retirement Benefits Schemes Act 2000 or that have responsibility for collective investment schemes under the Collective Investment Schemes Act 2008. It is also relevant to advisers to those persons, or potential applicants for those permissions or their advisers.
Please refer to the consultation webpage for further information.