AML/CFT Statistical Returns: updated form templates and guidance

The Authority has today issued updated return templates and associated guidance for the Annual AML/CFT Statistical Returns, applicable to both regulated entities and designated businesses (subject to certain exceptions).  The returns and guidance can be found at


The updates made are only in respect of the following, and there is no change to the information required to be submitted:-

  • Making the return template and guidance neutral in relation to specific annual dates
  • Removing specific AML/CFT Code paragraph references (as these can, and have changed, periodically)
  • Addressing minor anomalies


The new template should be used for the next submissions which are due by 31 December 2019 (for data as at, and for the year ended, 31 December 2018).  However, if you have already submitted the return for this period using the previous template, or are already preparing the data in the previous template, the Authority does not require you to resubmit or change to the new template.