Meetings of contributories and creditors in respect of Montpelier (Trust & Corporate) Services Limited (“Montpelier”)
Meetings of contributories and creditors in respect of Montpelier (Trust & Corporate) Services Limited (“Montpelier”)
On 27 April 2020, the Isle of Man High Court issued an Order winding-up Montpelier pursuant to section 164(1)(d) of the Companies Act 1931 and appointing Dennis McGurgan of Grant Thornton (Isle of Man) Limited and Mike Saville of Grant Thornton UK LLP as joint provisional liquidators and deemed Official Receivers. Further information can be found in the Authority’s statement of 4 May 2020 which can be found here.
The provisional liquidators and deemed Official Receivers have given notice that the First Meeting of Contributories will take place at 10:00 am on Friday 19 June 2020 and the First Meeting of Creditors at 11:00 am on Friday 19 June 2020. The notice states that the meetings will be held virtually through an electronic platform.
The notice sets out of the process by which contributories or creditors may attend or appoint a proxy holder, and the deadline (12:00 noon on the day before the meeting) by which proxies and proofs of debt must be lodged by post at the offices of Grant Thornton (isle of Man) Limited, P O Box 307, Exchange House, 54/62 Athol Street, Douglas IM99 2BE or by e-mail to
The Authority makes this public statement under section 13(2) of the Financial Services Act 2008 on the ground that it is desirable in the interest of a class of persons to do so. A copy of this public statement has been sent to Montpelier.
If you wish to contact the joint provisional liquidators, please do so on