Statistics (19)

Number of Financial Services Act 2008 Licenceholders as at 22/10/2024 — 154

Some licenceholders have more than one class of licence, hence the figures in the table below do not add up to the quoted total.

Financial Services Act 2008 - Licenceholders

Regulated Activity Number
Class 1(1) - Deposit Taking 10
Class 1(2) - Restricted Deposit Taking 1
Class 1(3) - Bank Representative Office 1
Class 2 - Investment Business 35
Class 3 - Services to Collective Investment Schemes 31
Class 4 - Corporate Services 103
Class 5 - Trust Services 81
Class 6 - Crowdfunding Platforms 0
Class 7 - Management or Administration Services 8
Class 8 - Money Transmission Services 6
Class 9 - Credit Unions 1

Number of Collective Investment Schemes

Regulated Activity Number
Authorised Collective Investment Schemes 1
Experienced Investor Funds (including Legacy, Qualifying and Closed) 4
Regulated Funds/Full International Schemes 4
Specialist Funds 9
Qualifying Funds 5